Blogging the best of Vancouver – one restaurant at a time

Archive for the ‘Taiwanese’ Category

Sunway Restaurant

Since I’ve mostly been visiting Chinese style restaurants for the last couple weeks, I changed it up a bit and decided to visit a… Taiwanese restaurant! All right, I realize that they’re very similar, but I actually do know a very popular-ish Taiwanese restaurant that goes by the name of Sunway Restaurant.

Hopefully, if you regularly go to Richmond or live there, you would’ve visited Parker Place by now. Right next to it, you’ll find Empire Center; where the famous Hon’s Wun-Tun House was located before King Buffet took over. This also happens to be where Sunway Restaurant is stationed and you have to go into the center before you can spot it. (If you’re coming in from No.3 Road, it will be in the far left corner. If you’re coming in from Hazelbridge Way, turn right and you’ll see it.)



Click to continue…

Pearl Castle

**Brr..**  Vancouver is definitely strange with this sudden cold weather that is unexpectedly blown into our paths. I’m sure a lot of people might recall a thunderstorm yesterday on Thursday at around 5-6pm, which was honestly pretty scary… If you were out on the streets at that time in Vancouver, (and you’re alive…) you must be very lucky!




Due to this dreary weather, we decided to go to Pearl Castle in Richmond Center, seeing as we were already there in the shopping center until closing time. Let me tell you though, the place was packed when we got there and there were people waiting in line and waiting for take-outs! Maybe it’s because of the awful weather or something, but I remember that the last I came here,  there was no line. Click to continue…